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  • Texeler Soezzz Organic
    Texeler Soezzz Organic

    TEXELER SOEZZZ ORGANIC PILLOWThe Pillow with the Texeler Green-Dream Label is a natural product made from sustainable materials. The soft wool is naturally sourced from Texel sheep, which graze in fields free from pesticides. The…

    € 115,00
  • Texeler Soezzz  Perfection Pillow- wool
    Texeler Soezzz Perfection Pillow- wool

    TEXELER SOEZZZ PERFECTION PILLOWA luxurious pillow featuring a quilted premium satin cover with a wool fleece of 125g/m2. The pillow itself is filled with soft, sheared wool balls.

    Texeler selectionOnly the finest wool is good…

    € 89,00

Texeler and Texelwool mergered in 2010. .

The two famous brand with wool pillows come from the little island Texel, with the sea air the wool has a beautiful quality. 

Texels sleepcomfort

The island Texel is cherished by the sun and wind. The untouched nature areas are the homes of special rase pedigree sheep. Everybody who lives in Texel will say that the 'Texelaar' (the pedigree sheep) is the most valuable for the island. Worldwide known for the best quality of the wool. 

Natural ventilation

Mother nature is a miracle. She provides the fibers of the sheepskin to be light as a feather. The wool isolates but is still ventilating. That is the secret of Texeler products. 

Wool fot good health


The Texeler wool is been used bij the island residents for centuries. Havingrheumatic, sore muscles or anything else, you were advised to sleep under sheepskin. The curative lanoline (wooloil) which is in the wool together with warmth would take away the pain. Even after a short night. The wool still has these healing powers.


Fungus can't live in wool. They need warmth and moist air (75%) in still air. Wool regulates it's own moist, which means that fungus can't develop.

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