The Pillow
For more than 20 years physiotherapists and doctors advise their patients this orthopetic pillow. It helpes treating headache, sleep disturbance, neck and backproblems.
The Pillow is special because of it's three parts and quality. The pillow provides a support for the vertebra of the neck with a neckroll. The flexible middle piece keeps the body in a natural S-shape when lieing on your back on the bed. When you are lieing on yout side, the side pieces will keep the spine in a relaxed neutral position.
Scientists in The Netherlands, Germany and Swiss proved that the Pillow workes.
The Pillow is in 3 sorts and 2 kind of softness available. Currently we have the Compact (the little version) and Extra Comfort in our store.
The Pillow helpes people who suffer from arthrosis, asthma, cephaléa, cervical arthrose, cervical hernia (pulposis), cervical syndrome , cervicobrachial syndrome, chronic backpijn, discopathie, fybromyalgie, morbus Bechterew, morbus Scheuermann, myalgistic pain in the cervical area, neckpain, backpain, scoliosis, Sjögren syndrome, headache, spondylarthrosis, Spondylolisthesis, whiplash.